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Sex and Drug Education

We think it is important for children to have the confidence to ask questions about any matters that concern them. Through our programme of personal and social education, children are encouraged to offer opinions, talk about feelings and emotions and to value the feelings and opinions of others. Sex education at a young age arises from children's questions, which are answered honestly and factually. Often questions arise from topics covered in other areas of the curriculum such as “my family", "changes" or "growing".


In Years 5 and 6, a more formal approach is taken. The school nurse will visit the school to talk to the children. Parents will be given the chance to see the teaching materials being used and are offered the option of withdrawing their child from all or part of the sex education provided, except that which is required as part of National Curriculum science.


We follow County guidelines on drug education. We are supported by the school nurse, village police officer and County advisors who may come in to school to talk to the children.
